Starfield Players Want Bethesda to Change Part of Game to Be More Like Skyrim and Fallout 4

Bethesda may need to change this part of Starfield to make players happy.

Starfield has been out for a month on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC, which has provided fans of the game the proper gestation period to figure out what they like, don't like, love, and hate about the space-faring RPG. To this end, over on the game's Reddit page, one of the most popular posts this week is a post that slams the game's looting system and says it's the "worst change" Bethesda made from Fallout 4 and Skyrim. 

"One of the best parts of Skyrim and Fallout 4, and other Bethesda Game Studios' games is when you kill someone you have access to all of their stuff, you see someone who has cool armor you kill them and take it. That is my biggest complaint about Starfield is that they took that from us," reads the post in question. "It does not make it more realistic especially when they drop a gun that was different from the one they were using. You get god powers and can carry 80 guns at once this is not a realistic game."

The post in question has attracted over 1,000 comments, most of which have echoed the sentiment. The most popular of these comments specifically reads as follows: "I want to leave people in their underwear again." 

"Wholeheartedly agree," reads the second most popular comment. "Why do some enemies have three guns on them but one helmet, or no space suit/apparel drops at all. Its a real break from traditional mechanics. Not sure why."

Unfortunately, for fans that feel this way, it's unlikely Bethesda is going to completely revamp the looting system post-launch. And for what it's worth, it's not commented on these specific complaints, which suggests it's even less likely to happen. However, with the the game likely to be supported for years it's possible. 

As always, feel free to weigh in with a comment or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there. Do you agree with this take? Meanwhile, for more coverage on all things Starfield -- including all of the latest news, all of the latest rumors and leaks, and all of the latest speculation -- click here.
